The building which houses the House Museum of Abdulla Shaig was built in 1905. In 1916, Shaig moved here with his mother and brother. He later married and had his three children born in this house. Abdulla Shaig lived and worked here till December 1957.
The Museum is located on 21, Abdulla Shaig street. The initial title of the street was Verkhne-Nagornaya. In 1981, it was renamed after Abdulla Shaig on the occasion of his 100th anniversary.
The Museum was founded by Shaig’s eldest son Kamal Talibzadeh, a renowned literary scholar who actively promoted the heritage of his father. The Museum was established in 1990 by the decree of the Council (Soviet) of Ministers of Azerbaijan and began functioning in December 1991. In 2001, on the eve of the 120th anniversary of Abdulla Shaig the Museum opened its doors to visitors.
The Museum conducts wide variety of activities such as thematic events, lectures and moving exhibitions. It also acts as a venue for filming television broadcasts and documentaries about Abdulla Shaig, Kamal Talibzadeh and other prominent personalities of Azerbaijani literature and culture.











Yanvar 2025
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Ziyalıların, mədəniyyət xadimlərinin, elm xadimlərinin cəmiyyətdə hörmətini qaldırmaq lazımdır. Çünki xalq həmişə öz ziyalıları ilə, öz mədəniyyəti, öz elmi ilə tanınır.
Abdulla Şaiqin çoxşaxəli fəaliyyətinin böyük bir qismi Azərbaycanda maarifçiliyin müxtəlif sahələri ilə bağlı olmuşdur. Ali və orta təhsil məktəbləri üçün onlarla dərsliyin müəllifi olmuş Abdulla Şaiqin uzunmüddətli pedaqoji fəaliyyəti milli təhsilimizin yeni mərhələyə yüksəlişində mühüm rol oynamışdır.

Heydər Əliyev   



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