The Museum collections include around 8000 items. These are objects belonging to Abdulla Shaig and his family, books, original photos, manuscripts, art objects and other items. Exhibition rooms display the original desk of Shaig, furniture set belonging to Shaig’s family, antique wall clock made in France, encrusted dining table, personal items, clothes, copper kitchenware used by the family of Shaig and other interesting objects.
The Museum has vast collection of books which include rare bibliographic editions from Shaig’s personal library, textbooks written by him, press samples containing first publications of Shaig’s works, a wide range of literature dedicated to Shaig and his legacy as well as editions related to his son Kamal Talibzadeh.
The “Manuscripts and documents collection” stores notebooks with ghazals which Shaig wrote during his youth, manuscripts of his academic and literary works, translations and works created during the years of repressions. The Museum has prepared new publications based on this rich archive.
The “Original photos collection” includes photos reflecting the life, work and public activity of Abdulla Shaig.
The Museum has an interesting collection of paintings and sculptures as well as a handmade carpet. The pieces of art from the museum collection include works of renowned artists Mikayil Abdullayev, Salam Salamzade, Tofiq Kerimov, Musa Khudayarov, Ali Zeynalov, Gafar Seyfullayev, Asaf Jafarov, Nadjafgulu, Davud Kazimov, Natig Aliyev, Afet Mahmudova.
The Museum also houses a collection of artifacts about life and work of Shaig’s elder brother Akhund Yusif Talibzadeh, a prominent public and political figure, and Shaig’s son Kamal Talibzadeh.


1. Memorial objects (M.O.)

2. Documents related to theatre (D.T.)

3. Works of art (W.A.)

4. Honorary certificates and addresses (H.C.A.)

5. Programmes, posters, invitations (P.P.I.)

6. Manuscripts (M.)

7. Ancient and new editions, offered books (A.N.E.O.B)

8. Cinema, photographs, sound (C.P.S)

9. Original photographs ( O.P.)



12.Photo negatives (N.)

Noyabr 2024
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“Canlı Dərbənd çiçəyi”

  Dərbəndin gül bağından dərdim qönçə bir çiçək,
  Rəngi, ətri, görkəmi bir-birindən göyçək...
  Bu sevimli çiçəyim payızı yaza qatdı,
  Sevdi yeni yurdunu, dərindən rişə atdı.
  Həyatının baharı verdi ona üç budaq,
  Hər budaqda parladı ulduz kmi bir çıraq.
  Ömrümün bağçasını şənləndirdi bu üç gül,
  Onlardan ilham alır bu qoca şair könül.
  Onlardır qol-budağım, onlardır şən diləyim,
  Yetişdirdi bunları “Canlı Dərbənd çiçəyim”.




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