The Museum contains four rooms. The first room The first room was originally a glazed balcony which served as a kitchen. Currently this room displays exhibits related to Shaig’s world fame. They include photos of well known intellectuals, teachers and friends of Shaig who praised his work and personality, translations of Shaig’s works into German, French, Polish, Russian and other languages; Shaig’s own translations and manuscripts. The room also displays articles and notes devoted to Abdulla Shaig published in various journals and magazines and exhibits related to Shaig’s 130th anniversary. A mirror and copper kitchenware used by Shaig’s family are also displayed in the room.

The second room served as a living room. Currently, it contains exhibits related to Borchaly, the land where Shaig was born, the family tree of Talibzadeh family, and includes items, photos and documents linked to Shaig’s private life, parents, family and everyday life. The display includes portraits of Shaig’s father, mother, brother and wife. Documents signed by Shaig’s father Akhund Mustafa, Shaig’s child photos and photos of Borchaly and Rushdiyye school in which Shaig studied are displayed in one part of the room

The next part exhibits photos from the trip to Khorasan of Shaig’s mother Mehri khanum and her children, family photographs as well as copies of manuscripts of Shaig’s ghazals.

A carpet custom made for the museum is displayed in the room.
A part of the room is devoted to Shaig’s brother Akhund Yusif Talibzadeh and contains items related to his religious activity, books written by him and other exhibits and photos.

Photos of Shaig’s wife Shakhzade khanum and their family are also on display in the room. The centerpiece of the room is a dining table and chairs. A big French-made wall clock is hung on one of the walls.

The third room The third room houses collection of items related to Shaig’s activity as a teacher and playwright. A collection of documents and photos of schools in which Shaig taught, also photos of the students of “Exemplary School of Shaig”, as well as the originals of the first schoolbooks authored by Shaig, his writings for children and scores of songs with lyrics written by Shaig are displayed in the room.

One part of the room focuses on Shaig as a playwright. It includes information about Shaig’s work in the Young Spectators Theatre, photos and posters of his plays staged in various theaters, etc.

The fourth room served as Shaig’s office contains his original desk and books which he used to read. His private items and clothes, a wardrobe belonging to his family as well as a sofa and armchairs are displayed in the room.

A part of the room is devoted to Shaig’s son Kamal Talibzadeh and includes information about his academic activity, books written by him, as well as photos of Kamal and his family.

Sentyabr 2024
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