Abdulla Shaig, “Arazdan Turana”(“From Araz to Turan”).
Compiled and annotated by Minakhanum Asadli; edited by Kamal Talibzadeh, reviewers: candidate of philological sciences Mammad Adilov, candidate of philological sciences Pasha Karimov; artist: Vusal Baghirov. Baku, “Nurlan”,  2003. – 264 pages.
Kamal Talibzadeh, “Kübarlıq məktəbi” (“School of aristocracy”).
Edited by Rafiga Talibzadeh, Ulkar Talibzadeh, Arzu Hajizade. Khazar University Press, 2007.
Jalaladdin Rumi, “İbrət və müqabilə, yaxud hümmətlər ixtilafı” (“Exhortation and confrontation, or disagreements between peoples”).
Edited by Teymur Kerimli, transliterated from Arabic alphabet by Arif Ramazanov, artist: docent. Vusal Baghirov. The book was published on the occasion of 800 anniversary of Movlana Jalaladdin Rumi in 2008.
The book includes part of Rumi’s “Masnavi” translated by Abdulla Shaig and published by him in 1906.
“House Museum of Abdulla Shaig 1991-2011”.
Compiled by Arzu Hajizadeh, edited by Ulkar Talibzadeh, reviewer: doctor of philological sciences, prof.   Vali Osmanly; consultant: PhD in art criticism Minakhanum Asadly; artist: Sabir Gasimov. Baku: Aspoligraf, 2011. 160 pages.
The book is dedicated to 20th anniversary of the opening of the Museum. It includes documents related to the functioning of the Museum, photographs of museum exhibits, visitor reviews and other material.
”Abdulla Şaiqin sözlərinə bəstələnmiş musiqi əsərləri” (“Music based on poems by Abdulla Shaig”).
Compiled and edited by Rashid Shafag,reviewer: doctor of philological sciences, prof. Babek Gurbanov;literary editor: Shaig Talibzadeh. Baku: Aspoligraf, 2011. 272 pages.
The book was published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the opening of the House Museum of Abdulla Shaig.
Set of postcards dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the opening of the House Museum of Abdulla Shaig, Baku, 2011.
“Əgər Şaiq olmasaydı” (“If Shaig did not exist”).
Compiled by Ulkar Talibzadeh, Arzu Hajiyeva, edited by Alkhan Bayramoglu, Baku: Tahsil, 2012, 248 pages.
The book includes presentations made during the scholarly conference on the occasion of 130th anniversary of Abdulla Shaig, articles as well as memoirs dedicated to Shaig.
House Museum of Abdulla Shaig – booklet, 2007.
House Museum of Abdulla Shaig – booklet, 2010.
Kamal Talibzadeh, “Azərbaycan ədəbi tənqidinin tarixi (1800-1920)” (“History of literary criticism in Azerbaijan 1800-1920”)”.
Edited by doctor of philological sciences, prof. Shamil Valiyev; reviewer: doctor of philological sciences, prof. Alxan     Bayramoghly. Baku: Sharg-Garb, 2015, 344 pages.
The book includes critical views and research by Kamal Talibzadeh to reveal historical roots of the literary criticism in Azerbaijan, his research of stages of evolution of Azerbaijani poetry and dramaturgy. In this book, Kamal Talibzadeh also talks about his views on the issue of literary language.
The book intended for literary critics, ohilologists, the students of the faculty of philology
Nizameddin Shamsizade, “Türk təfəkkürü məcrasında akademik Kamal Talıbzadə” (“Academician Kamal Talibzadeh in the riverbed of Turkic thought”), Baku: Sharg-Garb, 2015. 96 pages.
In this book, the author presents his scholarly opinion on work and critical views of academician Kamal Talibzadeh. The book contains analysis of a number of monographs by Kamal Talibzadeh and concludes that he attached particular attention to the issue of training of new generations of literary critics and scholars.
The book intended for literary critics, ohilologists, the students of the faculty of philology

Sentyabr 2024
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“Həpimiz bir günəşin zərrəsiyiz”

    Ayramaz bizləri təğyiri-lisan,
    Ayramaz bizləri təbdili-məkan.
    Ayramaz bizləri İncil, Quran,
    Ayramaz bizləri sərhəddi-şəhan.
    Ayramaz bizləri ümmanü-mühit,
    Ayramaz bizləri səhrayi-bəsit.
    Ayramaz bizləri həşmətli cibal,
    Ayramaz: Şərq, Cənub, Qərb, Şimal.
    Yetişər kinü ədavət daşımaq,
    Qoxumuş məzbələlərdə yaşamaq.
    Uzadın dəsti üxüvvət sıxalım.
    Rişeyi-zülmü, nifaqı yıxalım!
    Qəlbimizdə yaşasın möhrü vəfa.
    Verəlim bir-birinə dəsti-vəfa.




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