Shaig’s fame


Abdulla Shaig was a widely acclaimed writer and scholar who enjoyed international fame and whose works were translated and published in more than 16 languages including Turkish, English, Russian, German, Persian, Polish and other languages.
Shaig himself translated a wide range of international authors into his native Azerbaijani. Owing to his tireless work, as early as in the beginning of XX century readers in Azerbaijan were able to get acquainted with works of Firdausi, Rumi, Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Ivan Krylov, Alexander Pushkin, Maxim Gorky and many others. Main text samples in literature and language textbooks published in Shaig’s lifetime were taken from his favorite great Turkic authors Namig Kamal, Shunasi, Abdulhaga Hamid, Tofig Fikrat, Ziya Gokalp, HuseynJavid and others.
Abdulla Shaig maintained close ties with writers, readers and intelligentsia from various foreign countries. His literary connections with Turkish scholars Ismayil Fikrat and Khalil Fikrat, Lithuanian author Kreve Mitskyavichius and writer Jokubas Skhlyutayskas could be regarded as fine examples of friendship between writers and scholars.
Shaig’s rich private library included hundreds of rare titles, among them works by Turkish, Russian, Oriental and Western authors.


“Tik-tik xanim” and “Tülkü Həccə gedir” were translated into German on this book.
“Həpimiz bir günəşin zərrəsiyiz” was translated into English and given as an epigraph.
A.Shaig’s stories were translated into Russian.

Oktyabr 2024
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