Shaig as a pedagogue


‘I am more proud of myself as a pedagogue than as a writer’, Shaig used to say. Indeed, his contribution to the process of evolution of education and enlightenment in Azerbaijan cannot be underestimated.
Shaig’s pedagogical activity lasted from 1902 to 1934. In 1902 he began teaching Tatar language in the Third gymnasium of Baku. From 1903 till 1910 Shaig worked in the Seventh Town School, Sabunchi School, Fourth Gymnasium and Real School. From 1917, Shaig taught in High Pedagogical Institute, in Shaig Exemplary School and pedagogical school.
Abdulla Shaig’s activity was not limited to teaching. He authored and co-authored a number of textbooks for children of different ages including Uşaq çeşməyi (1907), Gülşəni-ədəbiyyat (1910), Gülzar (1912), Uşaq gözlüyü (1915), İkinci il (1918), Türk çələngi (1919), Türk ədəbiyyatı (1920), Qiraət kitabı (1924), Ədəbiyyat dərsləri (1928), Ədəbiyyatdan iş kitabı (1928). Upon decision concerning textbooks issued by the Second Congress of Teachers which took place in 1907, Abdulla Shaig together with other authors issued a reading book İkinci il (Second Year). These textbooks contained fine samples from Azerbaijani, Russian and Turkish classical literature. In his textbooks Shaig included biographies and selected works of Fizuli, Vagif, Mirza Fatali Akhundov, Seid Azim Shirvani, Huseyn Javid and other great Azerbaijani poets and writers together with Ivan Krylov, Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. Shaig closely followed latest developments in classical and contemporary literature and updated his textbooks accordingly. Thus, textbooks published later included works of Turkish poets and writers A. Hamid, M.Alkazimi, S. Sezai, G.Bakhtiyar and others.
Shaig’s literature written for children was based on his teaching experience and deep knowledge of child psychology.
Abdulla Shaig always remembered his students with the sense of pride. Among his pupils were prominent public figures such as Ruhulla Akhundov, Suleyman Rustam, Taghi Shahbazi Simurg and many others. Abdulla Shaig was not only a teacher but a true mentor to his students and treated them with parental care. He was interested in his students’ lives outside school and was always ready to offer any kind of support to them.
Exemplary School of Shaig played particular role in Shaig’s pedagogical activity. The school was officially granted this title by the Government decision but it was also a popular name among students and their parents.

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    Mən yazıçılığımdan ziyadə müəllimliyimlə fəxr edirəm.

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    Milli vicdan milli məktəblərlə doğar. Məktəb və müəllimləri olmayan bir millət müəyyən bir sima və məfkurəsi olmayan bir çocuğa bənzər ki, öz xeyir və şərini düşünə, dost və düşmənini fərq edə bilməz...
    Məktəblər millətin nur və səadət çırağıdır.




    Şaiqin bütün şəxsiyyətini təsvir və təcəssüm üçün özünə iki nöqtədən yaxınlaşmaq vacibdir: “Şaiq – Şair! Şaiq – Müəllim!”

Atababa Musaxanlı, 1923  




    Mən Şaiq müəllimin tələbəsi olub onun tərbiyəsi ilə böyümüşəm. Mənim tərcümeyi-halımı onda soruşun.

Cəfər Cabbarlı  



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